Category Archives: Godot

Gun Control and the Twilight Saga

From Wikipedia

From wikipedia

A pivotal issue is closing in on campuses across the United States. It is the decision on whether or not to allow students to use guns on college campuses. Here law makers may  find knowledge and wisdom in that epitome of good literature, The Twilight Saga.

At times it is the obvious omission of a detail from a work of art that leads to our reflection on it. The absence of Godot, for example, holds the audience in suspense waiting for him and leads to the existential questions like whether or not to commit suicide.

Contemplating suicide is a familiar theme for many boyfriends forced to go see the Twilight saga in its cinematic format. However, what most concerns us is a certain omission from the Twilight Saga.

And by far the most obvious omission from the Twilight Saga is guns.

As of yet in the films, there is rarely a shot fired in the Twilight movies. (There may be shots fired in the books, but in order to remain objective, this writer has decided not to read them). Whence this absence of weapons? And what effect would it have had on the series? The plainest answer is that there are no guns because the intended audience, those seeking emotional rather than adrenal thrills, are not inclined to seeing them used.

More likely, author Stephanie Meyer may have wanted to hold true to vampire lore whereby vampires naturally prefer to bite and dismember prey, and that the reaction time needed to kill a vampire would render the use of the weapon null and void. This would have more authority had not masterpieces such as the Blade Trilogy and the Underworld Trilogy had not made significant use of weapons.

The narrative improvement of adding guns to Twilight is clear. Instead of tedious hand-to-hand fights, the protagonists could’ve fired a single shot, properly covered with garlic or silver or some such, and finished off the nemesis, allowing more time for the lovers to consider questions about where they should eat, what color of indoor paint they would like for their future homes, and whether to become a vampire for all eternity.

With the addition of guns effectively established as an improvement to the films and perhaps the novels, the most adequate assumption is that Meyer and the directors and producers wanted to include guns, but that the strict gun laws of many states, potentially putting those states in violation of the Second Amendment, forced Meyer to exclude guns as a form of protest against those laws.

Thus it is that the omission of weapons serves as a call to arms for those who want their right to bear arms protected, for those who want to put a bullet through the Twilight Saga before their lives take the shape of the Twilight Saga.